We belong to an Association and that Association performs all the functions of a union.
As a current Vice-President I have been advocating, and if re-elected I will continue to advocate for a strong focus on the union aspects of our Association.
Our working conditions are the learning conditions of our students. When we fight for ourselves, we are fighting for them too.
We, the teachers of Alberta, have to be willing to take a stand and be willing to take job action if we want anything to change. As seen with the UCP, the NDP and the PC, no government is going to give us anything.
No one is coming to save us, but us.
I started teaching in 2002, and signed up as the school rep by 2005. In 2007 I joined Edmonton Catholic's Executive and was President from 2012 to 2018. I've was the District Representative for Edmonton/McMurray for 2019-2021, and one of the ATA's Vice-Presidents for the last four years.
If any of you spend time on-line...... Twitter, Face Book, Instagram, Bluesky, Threads or have contributed to the #Red4EdAB collage, you'll know I'm always advocating for teachers.
I consider it a privilege to be able to serve my colleagues.
With every decision made, my first thought is "how will this help teachers and administrators"?
If re-elected I promise to be relentless in the pursuit of improving our working conditions.
Teachers are the ATA.
Our strength comes from teachers making informed decisions and giving direction to Barnett House.
It is vital that teachers feel informed by their Association and their Association provides leadership and opportunities to act. To that end I have participated in and helped organize marches and protests. I also help administer the very active Teachers for Public Education Facebook group and have garnered a keen interest in collages. #RedForEdAB
This is the start of something bigger, and it has to get bigger if we expect change to happen.
I envision a simple thing to start......the teachers of Alberta deciding what treads on Twitter in Canada, because 40,000 of us working together can do that, whenever we want.
We've seen teacher unions making huge changes down in the US, but it didn't happen overnight. It took years of building up small actions, bit by bit, into larger actions, into systemic change.
None of that happens without you, and as Vice-President, I believe it will be my responsibilty to help get us there.
#Red4EdAB Collage creator plus the Italian Centre Donut Challenge
Led in the creation of Canada's first GSA for teachers.
Head of security and committee member for the 13,000 person March for What Matters.
Lead in the bargaining of CIF funding for Edmonton Catholic, ensuring that each teacher got $900 and $24,000 for each school, to be spent based on a democratic vote of staff.
Under my leadership, Edmonton Catholic won ten ATA awards